
Here you will find an alphabetical list of all the artists the Gallery works with including painters, sculptors, glass artists, ceramic artists, wood artists, Judaica artists, and Jewellery artists. You can also browse the artists by type using the "Artworks" drop down menu.


Abraham Talila
Albert Chris
Almaliah Gad
Anagnostou Alex
Andres Poldaas Jaan
Apeloig Daniela & Gabriela
Aplin Joanna
Appleton Taygan
Aram Michael
Archibald & Bromm Tyler
& Jesse
Arcuri Amanda
Bahry Tamara
Beames Sara
Beauchamp Andrew James
Bell Julie A.
Bettas Anastessia
Birol Aysegul Gill
Blady-Van Mil Annette
Bless Joel
Bolanos Inclan Mariana
Borycki Alyson
Bosveld Michelle
Braun Debra
Brewes Rhonda Frances
Brimble Madeline
Brody Joseph
Bronstein Steven
Buck Marla
Buick Robert
Cantor Brian
Cech Slavo
Cheng Shu-Chen
Chester Paul
Clarfield-Gitalis Elaine
Cohen Roy
Cohen Devra
Colberg Ed
Cooper John
Copping Brad
Cowan Laura
Croxford Rob
Cruz Cobie
d’Ornellas Césan
Dabbah Judaica
Daignault Norman &
Damjanovic Tash
Danke Judaica
Descoteaux Jacques
Dionne Curtis
Downman Courtney
Eaton Alexandrya
Elzinga Floyd
Emanuel Yair
Etheridge Madison


Farkas Desiree
Foti Renato
Gabrielle Celine
Geifman Jonathan & Elad
Gerrits Hailey
Getz & Cudmore Alyssa
& Tom
Goh Mary
Goodman Jeff
Gottesman Rina
Gray Callie
Greco Cody
Green Gloria
Grubard Glenn M.
Harasymiw Catherine
Helman Joanne
Henderson Elena
Herman Yaal
Herzig Joseph
Hicher Makiko
Holuk Becky
Hudson Michael
Hunter & Waddell Alexi
& Mariel
Israel House of
Itzcovici-Levy Edith
Jaggernauth Anand
Jewer Jean
Jones Morgan
Judaica Sherman
Kochberg Ian
Koistinen Minna
Kramer Boris
Krätschmer Andreas
Kroach Lesley & Al
Lai Amey
Landesman Shraga
Last Jared
Lauzon Becky
Lessem Lee
Leventhal Dovi
Lowden Eleanor
Macdonald Michele
MacLean Jamie
Madvin Andrew
Madvin Robert
Malkin Anna
Masewich Joel
Masoure Chris
Mathieu Michael
Matthews Gary
McInally Lesley
Metz Suzanne
Eva Milinkovic & Kriston Michael Gene
Miller Natasha
Miller Fay
Moore Lora
Muscat Francis


Naranian Annie
Nesbitt Carol
Neves Diogo
Nicholas Hoda
Noel Noella
Olczak Anne-Marie
Orlansky David
O'Young Kayo
Palmer Brooke
Paterson Dawn
Pendleton Cody
Rankin Susan
Rempel Kim
Richman Pearl
Ron Edna
Rosemberg Marcela
Ross Kim
Sidler Adi
Smith Mike
Snider Warren
Solcz Chris
Solomon-Weizel Wendy
Soto Tamara
Stern Yair
Stryjnik Ewa
Sturgeon Richard
Surette Richard & Susan
Swartz Courtlandt
Tabar William
Taylor Kate
Thai David
Toole Michael
Traeger Kathy
Traher Miriam
Turner & Pike Jeff &
Walmer Ron
Wang Andrew
Wardhaugh James
Wiesel Marci
Williams-Chapelsky Samantha
Yanaky Nancy
Zarowsky Micheal
Zondervan John & Heather