Artist submissions


The Gallery welcomes submissions from artists seeking representation throughout the year.  We do not make appointments or view portfolios during gallery hours. Due to the large number of submissions we receive we cannot guarantee a response to your submission

Please do not drop in with your work or a portfolio.

The Gallery does not have shows or exhibitions for contemporary artists that we do not represent. 

The Gallery exhibits fine art and contemporary craft. This primarily includes painting, mixed media, sculptural and functional works in glass, ceramics, textile, wood and metal, and a select collection of jewellery. 

The Gallery represents artists at all levels of their development, including emerging, mid-career and established artists.     
Email Submissions:

Please submit up to 10 images, in JPEG format (no larger than 1MB each) as attachments, to along with the required information below. 

All submissions should include the following information:
A) An Image List: Please include all of the following information for each piece: title, dimensions, medium, date of creation, retail price. 
B) Contact Information: Please include your full name, address, telephone number, email address and website. 
C) Artist Statement: that speaks of your aesthetic philosophy, influences, technique etc. 
D) Artist CV: that includes; education, exhibitions, major collections, awards, teaching experience, publications etc. 

Please do not bring unsolicited examples of artwork to the gallery. Unfortunately, we will not be in a position to look at the work in these circumstances.